Breakthrough Guitar: Is It Worth the Investment?

If you’re an aspiring guitarist searching for the ultimate guitar learning experience, you’ve likely come across Breakthrough Guitar.

Is Breakthrough Guitar Worth It Unleash Your Guitar Potential

With thousands of students raving about its transformative approach and ability to help players create their own music, Breakthrough Guitar claims to be the key to unlocking your full guitar potential.

But is it worth it? Let’s discover the world of Breakthrough Guitar, exploring its mission, key features, and the benefits it offers.

Join us as we analyze whether Breakthrough Guitar lives up to its promises and determine if it’s the right investment to take your guitar playing to new heights.

About Breakthrough Guitar Training

Breakthrough Guitar is here to help everyday hobbyist guitar players uncover the hidden secrets of the pros and become true musicians.

Suppose you’ve found yourself stuck in a rut, tired of playing the same boring stuff, or struggling to connect the dots and put it all together.

In that case, Breakthrough Guitar Training has the solution for you.

Jonathan Boyd’s Journey

The founder, Jonathan Boyd, understands guitar players’ frustrations and challenges because he was once in your shoes.

He wasn’t a naturally gifted musician but someone who struggled to make progress and felt like he was “messing around” on the guitar.

However, everything changed when a South American University Instructor revealed the “big picture” to him, and he finally realized that he could take his guitar playing as far as he wanted.

Debunking Common Myths

Breakthrough Guitar Training debunked common myths that hold guitar players back.

Myth #1 is the belief that studying theory, chords, and scales will magically make you play freely.

However, the truth is that the more you cram your brain with information, the more you have to think when you play.

True freedom comes when you’re not thinking, and Breakthrough Guitar Training will guide you in achieving that state.

Myth #2 is that natural talent, perfect fingers, and a young age are prerequisites for becoming a good guitarist.

However, professional guitar players will tell you that what truly matters is what you do every time you pick up your guitar.

It’s about following the right steps and doing the right things in the right order, regardless of your natural abilities or background.

Important Elements of Breakthrough Guitar

Is Breakthrough Guitar Worth It Unleash Your Guitar Potential

Breakthrough Guitar Training focuses on three essential elements to play guitar the way you’ve always wanted and become an accomplished, confident, and complete guitarist.

The first is Navigation, which encompasses five freedom skills: Framework, Phrasing, Fitness, Harmony, and Rhythm.

These skills will enable you to move freely around the fretboard, hit the right notes, and play with musicality and expression.

The second element is Application, which consists of five style skills: Songs, Improvising and Writing, Styles, Tools, and Artist Studies.

These skills allow you to play songs, create your own music, explore different genres, utilize gear effectively, and study the techniques of guitar legends.

While developing your Navigation and Application skills is crucial, the third element, Personal Attention & Guidance, plays a vital role in helping you achieve your unique goals in the shortest time possible.

Having a coach or mentor who can provide ongoing feedback and guidance is invaluable in overcoming blind spots, breaking bad habits, and reaching your true potential as a guitarist.

Breakthrough Guitar Training believes coaching is the fastest way to get better and the only way to become great.

With the right steps and guidance, you can unleash your full potential as a guitar player and achieve your musical goals.

Testimonials and Success Stories

Breakthrough Guitar has garnered a strong reputation among guitar enthusiasts, as evidenced by the numerous testimonials and success stories shared by satisfied students.

Let’s take a look at what people are saying about their experience with Breakthrough Guitar:

  1. Reddit User: On the Guitar_Theory subreddit, a user named GuitarEnthusiast posted a question asking if anyone had tried Jonathan Boyd’s teaching. In response, several users shared their positive experiences. One user, u/RockinGuitarist, mentioned that Breakthrough Guitar helped them understand complex concepts and improve their playing significantly. Another user, u.MusicMan92 praised Jonathan’s teaching style and practical approach to learning guitar.
  2. Reviews on The official website of Breakthrough Guitar features a dedicated page for reviews. Students have expressed their satisfaction with the program, emphasizing its transformative impact on their guitar playing. Many reviewers commend Jonathan’s ability to break down complex topics into easy-to-understand lessons. They appreciate the focus on musicality, phrasing, and developing a unique style. Students have reported improved improvisation skills, expanded fretboard knowledge, and increased confidence in their playing abilities.
  3. Google Reviews: A quick search on Google reveals a plethora of positive reviews for Breakthrough Guitar. Students from various backgrounds and skill levels have shared their success stories. They highlight the personalized attention and guidance received from Jonathan, which has helped them overcome challenges and reach their musical goals. Reviewers often mention the effective navigation techniques taught in the program, which have enabled them to play with freedom and expressiveness.

The consistent theme in these testimonials and reviews is the transformative nature of Breakthrough Guitar.

Students appreciate the emphasis on practical application, musicality, and personalized guidance.

Whether it’s understanding complex theory, expanding fretboard knowledge, or unlocking their unique style, students have experienced significant growth in their guitar-playing abilities.

These testimonials and reviews serve as a testament to the effectiveness of Breakthrough Guitar and Jonathan Boyd’s teaching approach.

Suppose you’re seeking a guitar learning experience that focuses on unlocking your true potential and helping you become the guitarist you aspire to be.

In that case, the positive feedback from students who have gone through Breakthrough Guitar Training should certainly give you confidence in its value.

Pros and Cons of Breakthrough Guitar

Is Breakthrough Guitar Worth It Unleash Your Guitar Potential


  1. Comprehensive Approach: Breakthrough Guitar offers a holistic and comprehensive approach to guitar learning, focusing on helping everyday hobbyist players unlock the secrets of professional guitarists. The program covers various aspects such as navigation, application, personal attention, and guidance.
  2. Transformational Learning Experience: Many users have reported significant improvements in their guitar playing after implementing the techniques and strategies taught by Breakthrough Guitar. The program aims to transform players from feeling stuck and frustrated to becoming accomplished, confident, and complete guitarists.
  3. Real-World Application: Breakthrough Guitar emphasizes practical application, allowing students to play songs, write their own music, compose solos, and improvise. This approach helps users develop their unique style and sound, enabling them to express themselves musically.
  4. Accessible for All Levels: Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced player, Breakthrough Guitar provides valuable insights and guidance. The program caters to various skill levels and can help players at any stage of their guitar journey.


  1. Intensity and Commitment: Breakthrough Guitar requires dedication and consistent practice to see significant results. Some users may find it challenging to maintain the level of intensity and commitment required to fully benefit from the program.
  2. Personal Preference: The teaching style and methods employed by Breakthrough Guitar may not resonate with every individual. Some players might prefer different approaches or teaching methods that align better with their learning preferences.
  3. Limited Availability of Free Content: While Breakthrough Guitar offers a variety of paid courses and programs, the availability of free content is relatively limited. This might make it difficult for prospective users to fully assess the program before making a financial commitment.
  4. Lack of In-Person Interaction: Breakthrough Guitar is primarily an online learning platform, so there is limited opportunity for direct, in-person interaction with instructors and fellow students. Some individuals may prefer a more traditional approach with in-person lessons or group classes.

Considering these pros and cons when evaluating whether Breakthrough Guitar is the right fit for your guitar learning needs is important.

Ultimately, personal preferences, commitment level, and learning style should be considered to make an informed decision.