Dealing with Oboe Squeaking: Common Causes & Solutions

Why Is My Oboe Squeaking

Have you ever felt frustrated while playing your oboe with unpleasant and unexpected squeaking sounds? Oboe squeaking can be a common and bothersome issue encountered by novice and experienced players. However, fear not, as this problem is often fixable through troubleshooting and basic maintenance techniques. This article will explore the reasons behind oboe squeaking and … Read more

String Instruments Not Found in the Orchestra – Full List


The orchestra is composed of string, woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. String instruments make up a large number of instruments typically found in the standard orchestra lineup. Here are a few ones that are not typically found in an orchestra and why. Banjo A string instrument with a round body and a long neck is … Read more

Oboe vs Clarinet: What’s the Difference?

oboe vs clarinet

Even after many centuries of development, both in terms of instrument and theory, the world of music still holds so many secrets. Of course, some of these “secrets” could be classified as just common misconceptions and misunderstandings. Thankfully, we have the internet these days and the possibility to clear things up with ease. However, one … Read more

Top 10 Hardest Instruments to Play That You Should Know

hardest instrument to play

There isn’t a thing in the world that would compare to learning how to play an instrument. In a way, we could say that music is the ultimate expressive tool that helps us share our innermost thoughts and emotions without uttering a single word. That’s what makes it so appealing, no matter the genre or … Read more